Friday, December 30, 2011

The Fruits of Teaching and Preaching

Behold These Little Ones
As this year comes to a close and a new one is about to begin, I would like to share some year end treasures for diligence and faithfulness on the part of both missionaries and members.  Both of our Branches put on a very fine Primary Sacrament meeting presentation.   The children worked hard on their parts and learning the songs they would sing. Our two Primary Presidents did an outstanding job on writing the program and coordinating the music.  I am sorry that I did not take the camera to church on the day of Utwe's program.  The children were all dressed in white and said their parts both in Kosraen and English.  Since there is no choir loft in that Branch, they used the first two rows of seats and would stand up and turn and face the congregation when they sang and came to the podium to say their parts.  My part was helping them to learn the songs during primary time and they did all the rest.  Not one child forgot their part.  In the Lelu Branch the children did an outstanding job.  I also helped with learning the songs during regular primary time, but they wanted me to conduct them during the program which I was happy to do.  There were about 32 children in the Lelu Branch and 24 children in the Utwe Branch.  It certainly brought tears to your eyes as the Spirit was strong.

The Utwe Branch is now seeing the fruits of keyboard instruction.  Sepe Charley is here practicing for the upcoming Sunday services.  She has been coming to keyboarding classes on Tuesday mornings, and along with her natural ability to play by ear and consistent practicing of reading music she is now able to play on Sundays.  Each week she will accompany at least two different songs.  When she can come early, then she will also do prelude music.  She is so excited about doing this.
What better way to celebrate Christmas than to have people come unto Christ and be baptized.  On Christmas Eve we had three convert baptisms due to the diligent teaching and preaching of the Elders here on Kosrae.  We also had one special child of the George family baptized who had just turned eight recently.  Burney Nena, Sepe Permudes, and Tadao Nena were taught by the Elders and Kimchee James was baptized by Elder Madsen.

Burney was taught by Elders Rufus and Madsen

Sepe and Tadao were taught by Elders Conejero and Coffey

James and his family

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